About "Break The Silence"

This EP "BREAK THE SILENCE - songs about depression" was sponsored by the Ministry of Science and Culture and is my contribution to clearing up prejudices against people suffering from depression. For this I had many open talks with those affected.
And: no. I don't have depression, fortunately.

The individual songs

"See The Doc" is intended to provide insight into the symptomatology of depression, as well as serve as a call for sufferers to get into the hands of a doctor for treatment.
In fact, many sufferers of depression seem to shy away from seeing a specialist. On the one hand, certainly out of insecurity. But also out of the belief that they can't be helped anyway. Which to me is proof that even those affected are not always aware that it is an illness and not a weakness.

"I'm Okay" provides third-person insights into the everyday emotional world of depressed people. This song lyric incorporated many experiences revealed to me by a woman who has suffered from depression for many years.
The difficulties in getting up, which can take hours on days off, simply because the motivation is missing. The strong desire to have happy people around you, but then shutting yourself off inside because you feel "different".

In the song "Broken Gear" I deal with the stories of a man who suffered a burn-out shortly after starting his company. He described to me how he was standing in the kitchen in a typical family situation and suddenly couldn't do anything anymore. In doing so, he talked about how he had experienced stress during this time, but had not even perceived it as negative. He liked to go to the office of his newly founded computer company to work on the first major project, which had made the founding of the company possible in the first place.
Now he was completely stuck, unable to work, nor could he delegate any work.

Behind the lyrics for the song "What Do You Tell Them" is a bird's eye view. People with depression should not be seen as people with character flaws, but as people suffering from an illness.
However, they should be equally unprejudiced in their dealings with people who are not familiar with the clinical picture of depression. Only in a dialogue can people learn to understand each other.
